
Local workshops on entrepreneurial learning in Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Hungary, and Portugal

FEB-MAY 2023

More than 200 people have been reached via local workshops on entrepreneurship, business and job opportunities and developing soft skills.

These activities helped to reach the following objectives: - Assist the process of integration of refugees in Portugal, Poland, Romania, Hungary, and Bulgaria – the local communities of our partner organizations;
- Provide the newcomers with opportunities for entrepreneurship learning, including the digital one;
- Provide the newcomers with the opportunities of networking at the local and regional levels – business, social and cultural ones, assisting their integration in a more comprehensive manner;
- Promote digital literacy as an imperative for being up to date with the job market requirements and resilience;
- Promote the European democratic values, solidarity, and inclusion among the project's local communities and promote these values among the newcomers.
The activities will help reach these objectives by providing time, space, and dedicated support to the refugees that need to restart their life in a new place. By organizing these activities with NGO employees who already know the best practices in the area and by inviting qualified experts in the area, we will ensure the quality of the events and significant results.

Project number:

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


Project coordinator:
My Madeira Island

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